The Truth is Out There :: The Cryptic Cinema of Charles Sellier Jr. :: PROOF! There Are Monsters Living Among Us! (January, 1976)
















Those of you who’ve followed my ramblings on the web since the beginning are probably keenly aware of my irrational fear of Bigfoot. And right here, is the root cause of my psyche-trauma: Charles E. Sellier Jr.’s The Mysterious Monsters. At the ripe old age of five, Peter Graves took me by the hand and asked me if I liked to watch gladiator movies. No. Wait … That’s not right. He asked me if I believed in the Loch Ness Monster, Yetis and peeping tom Bigfoot (Bigfoots? Bigfeet?), and then showed me all the proof I needed that there was something sinister lurking in that large shelter-belt of Evergreens just outside our house.

Video courtesy of AmericanThrowback.


Charles Sellier

The Truth is Out There: A Tribute to Charles E. Sellier Jr.

The Mysterious Monsters (1976) Schick Sunn Classic Pictures / EP: David L. Wolper, Raylan D. Jensen / P: Charles E. Sellier Jr., Robert Guenette / AP: James L. Conway, Frances Guenette / D: Robert Guenette / W: Robert Guenette / C: Tony Coggans, Erik Daarstad, David MyersFrances Guenette / E: Earle Herdan, Robert K. Lambert / M: Ruby Raksin / S: Peter Graves

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